About the Oklahoma Chapter

The Oklahoma Chapter will go into effect on January 1, 2003. We will still be under the
guidance of the Red River Branch, but this new chapter will allow the Camerons and the
affiliated septs to manage and oversee our own destiny as a group. This new website will
be the temporary home for this new chapter. I am in hopes that as our membership
increases, that good things can happen for Oklahoma.
In the near future, we will need to ask for volunteers to oversee the treasury and a
newsletter. Also, I will be asking members for help in manning our tent at the games.
I look forward to serving as your Convenor for this chapter and hope we have a very
successful future.

Yours Aye
Steve Taylor
Oklahoma Chapter of Clan Cameron

P.S. As the group grows, this site will be updated on a regular basis. As this is a free web
hosting site, loading may be slow and sometimes inaccessable, so be patient and
hopefully, as the group grows, we can register our own domain.